This post is written by YoungJ-Baek

1. Goal

The goal of this post is to develop test code for loop closing of LDSO. We decided it to check the feasibility of localization and loop closing of our application. You can see more details about our meeting minutes in here. We already have prepared pre-generated PCL map, DBoW, and pose binary files. To see how to generate those things, look at this post (TBD). We divide this process into 6 steps. Let’s take a look for each steps.

2. Argument

To trigger loop closing, we need 4 things. We set these four parameters as arguments. You can find more details as followed. Listing order is same with argument order.

  1. Source: Input image
  2. Calibration: Predefined value for calibration
  3. Vocabulary: In our test code, we use ORB vocabulary
  4. DBoW: Database of bag-of-words

Also, we want the preset option off. So, we make a simple function using the original code of LDSO.

settingsDefault function

void settingsDefault(int preset) {
    printf("\n=============== PRESET Settings: ===============\n");
    if (preset == 0 || preset == 1) {
        printf("DEFAULT settings:\n"
               "- %s real-time enforcing\n"
               "- 2000 active points\n"
               "- 5-7 active frames\n"
               "- 1-6 LM iteration each KF\n"
               "- original image resolution\n", preset == 0 ? "no " : "1x");

        //playbackSpeed = (preset == 0 ? 0 : 1);
        setting_desiredImmatureDensity = 1500;
        setting_desiredPointDensity = 2000;
        setting_minFrames = 5;
        setting_maxFrames = 7;
        setting_maxOptIterations = 6;
        setting_minOptIterations = 1;

        setting_logStuff = false;


Setting Preset Off

    setting_maxAffineWeight = 0.1;
	setting_photometricCalibration = 0;
	setting_affineOptModeA = 0;
	setting_affineOptModeB = 0;

3. Test Code

3.1. Load ORB Vocabulary

In KITTI example of LDSO, we can find vocabulary loader part. LDSO uses ORB vocabulary, so we will use it as well.

Load ORB Vocabulary

    shared_ptr<ORBVocabulary> orb3_vocabulary(new ORBVocabulary());

    std::cout << "vocabulary loaded\n";

3.2. Load DBoW Database

After loading ORB vocabulary, we need to load pre-generated DBoW database. It was resulted from map generation. So, it has all the information about bag-of-words of map. In LDSO, bag-of-words of key frames is added to database at loop closing thread. However, since we already have pre-generated database, we don’t need addition. Instead, all we need to do is load the database and detect loop closing via bag-of-words. In this chapter, the post describes how to load database.

Also, you can find bag-of-words structure in Frame data structure in LDSO. In this structure, there’s a function named ComputeBoW to compute bag-of-words of a single frame. So, we have to initialize this structure as well.


void Frame::ComputeBoW(shared_ptr<ORBVocabulary> voc) {
    // convert corners into BoW
    vector<cv::Mat> allDesp;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) {
        auto &feat = features[i];
        if (feat->isCorner) {
            cv::Mat m(1, 32, CV_8U);
            for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++)
      [k] = feat->descriptor[k];
    voc->transform(allDesp, bowVec, featVec, 4);

Load DBoW Database

    // Initialize Query for Loop Closing candidate
	DBoW3::QueryResults results;

    // Initialize BoW structure for input frame
	DBoW3::BowVector frame_bow;
	DBoW3::FeatureVector feature_vector;

    // Load DBoW database
	shared_ptr<DBoW3::Database> keyframe_database(new DBoW3::Database());

	std::cout << "database loaded\n";

3.3. Load Input Image

Next, we should load an input image to detect loop closing. Easily, we can load an image with OpenCV or using other methods. However, in LDSO, we should load an image with ImageFolderLoader. Also, there is one more condition to detect loop closing. We should pick a non key frame which is close to the loop. Note that we use ImageAndExposure class for single frame. More details about image loader is on this post. (TBD)

Load Input Image

    shared_ptr<ImageFolderReader> reader(new ImageFolderReader(ImageFolderReader::KITTI, argv[1], argv[2],"",""));
    shared_ptr<ImageAndExposure> img(reader->getImage(0));
    std::cout << "reader set done\n";

3.4. Convert Image to Frame

Then, our next step is to make frames including multiple pyramids via conversion from the input image. In LDSO, this function is implemented at addActiveFrame in FullSystem. During the conversion, two Hessian are generated, Frame Hessian and Calibration Hessian. Note that all the camera intrinsic parameters were initialized at setGlobalCalibration function.

Convert Image to Frame

    // Create Calibration Hessian
    shared_ptr<Camera> camera(new Camera(fxG[0], fyG[0], cxG[0], cyG[0]));

    // Create Frame Hessian
    shared_ptr<Frame> frame(new Frame(img->timestamp));
    shared_ptr<FrameHessian> frame_hessian = frame->frameHessian;

    // Convert Image to Frame with Generating Image Pyramids
    frame_hessian->ab_exposure = img->exposure_time;
    frame_hessian->makeImages(img->image, camera->mpCH);
    std::cout << "frame created\n";

3.5. Calculate BoW via Feature Detection

In LDSO, there are two ways to select pixels. Following PixelSelector, both corners and non-corners are selected to decide whether the frame is key frame or not. On the other hand, corners are picked to calculate bag-of-words of each key frames. So, calculation of bag-of-words can be described with two parts, corner detection and bag-of-words calculation.

Calculate BoW

    // Corner Detection
    FeatureDetector detector;
    detector.DetectCorners(setting_desiredImmatureDensity, frame);

    // BoW Calculation
    for(auto &feature: frame_hessian->frame->features){
        feature->ip = shared_ptr<ImmaturePoint>(new ImmaturePoint(frame_hessian->frame, feature, 1, camera->mpCH));

As a result, bowVec of frame structure is updated with calculated bag-of-words. Also, featVec of the structure is updated with new features.

3.6. Detect Loop Closing via BoW

In DBoW3, there is a function, query. We will use this function to detect loop closing using BoW.

Detecting Loop Closing via BoW

    keyframe_database->add(frame->bowVec, frame->featVec);
    keyframe_database->query(frame->bowVec, results, 1);

    std::cout<< result.size() <<"\n";
        std::cout << "no loop found\n";
    DBoW3::Result r = results[0];
    std::cout << r.Id " " << r.Score << "\n";

4. Experiment

The test code in this post is assuming single input image. However, for the experiment, we wrap the sequence with for expression and make a result file via it. In conclusion, we get a result of query operation of every images. In the next post, we will show you the result of our experiment via visualizing the trajectory of output of query operation. Also, you can see the full code used for our experiment in here

5. Conclusion

In this post, we figure out how to use loop closing function using bag-of-words in LDSO. This is not an easy process. If you have any question about this post, feel free to leave a comment.

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