This post is written by YoungJ-Baek

1. Preface

This post is a documentation about Markdown syntax for Git page posting.

2. Markdown Syntax

2.1. Headers

2.1.1. Syntax

There are two ways to make headers in Markdown. However, one way is limited to the first and second levels, so I recommend to use other way for headers.

using pound key

# Header H1
## Header H2
### Header H3
#### Header H4
##### Header H5
###### Header H6

using horizontal line

Header H1
Header H2

You can find the demonstration of header syntax below, in chapter 3.

2.1.2. Usage

Markdown has a disadvantage that there is no standard. So, everyone has their own documentation rule. Please keep in mind that the rule described here is just my rule. If you like it, use it. Otherwise, keep the syntax only.

Usually, I use the H1 as the title of the post or the parts of the document. However, I do not have to write the title in the post when I write post at Git page. So, I rarely use H1 header in Git page. Instead, I usually start with H2 header in the post to clarify the chapter. Then, I use H3 header for the sub-chapter. Usually, my last usage is H4 for details and examples. H5 and H6 are hard to be seen in my post. They could be seen when there is some remark for the details.

2.2. Emphasis

There are many syntax for emphasis in English. You can use Italic, Bold, or Strikethrough. Following the characteristic and tradition of Markdown, there is no standard usage of emphasis even though they have several syntax for each of them. So, I recommend to have a look all of them and make your own standard. Let’s take a deep dive for each of them.

2.2.1. Syntax

  • Italic: surrounded by * or _
  • Bold: surrounded by ** or __
  • Strikethrough: surrounded by ~~

2.2.2. Demonstration



YoungJ / YoungJ



YoungJ / YoungJ




2.3. Listing

In Markdown, there are three types of listing, number, non-number, and task-list. You may already have seen one of them, non-number. You can see the non-number listing in chapter 2.2. Let’s take a deep dive for each of them.

2.3.1. Syntax

number, non-number, task-list (TBD)

2.4. Quotation



2.6. Images


2.7. Code Block



2.8. Notice


2.9. Horizontal Rules

2.10. Table

2.11. Line Breaks

2.12. Emoji

3. Header Demonstration (H2)

3.1. Header Demonstration (H3)

3.1.1 Header Demonstration (H4) Header Demonstration (H5) Header Demonstration (H6)

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