This post is written by YoungJ-Baek

1. Preface

Hi, I am Youngjin Baek from South Korea. This is my first post with Git page. Recently, I have decided to move blog platform from T-story to Git page. So, I want to say hello to all the users in Git page and want to describe the meaning of my blog’s name.

2. Thread Through

Thanks to my soul-mate, she proposed me some great names. There were four final candidates. Let’s take a look at them. All of them are based on technical terminologies and trying to be humorous.

First one is Scale-deep. It is based on two technical words, scale-up and scale-down. Both terminologies are related to the server, but have very different meaning. Scale-up is a method to improve hardware performance to boost the performance of the server. On the other hand, scale-out means distribute same amount of work from one server to multiple servers. In this point, scale-deep could be some kind of deep dive. Try to optimize the server to conclude the best output or performance. It is very similar to my current status, doing my best to optimize and boost my life or career better.

Second, she suggested Programming Sugar. It comes from the word Syntactic Sugar. It means that the syntax within a programming language that is designed to make the code easier to read or to express. My blog will be an archive of my knowledge, and I always try to write them within simple words and easier expressions. Moreover, the reason I want to post articles is to make my programming easier and others’ programming easier. So, Programming Sugar is very attractive name.

Third, Programming Parser could be an option. It is very similar to the second one. It comes from Syntax Parser, which means analyzing and interpreting the codes engineers developed, just like the compiler and interpreter. It has similar vibe with Programming Sugar in the perspective of making things easier to understand and express.

Lastly, but most important one is Thread Through. Everyone know the meaning of thread. In the certain program, it is the basic unit of flow or execution of process. I am a DSP algorithm engineer, but I am also interested in Computer Vision at the same time. Moreover, I want to know more about Computer Science, the fundamental of programming. In conclusion, I want to be proficient about many things simultaneously. In this situation, all categories can be independent thread. So, the most attractive naming for me is Thread Through. Of course, the name keeps the rhyme, so I love it.

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